What To Plant With Succulents

what to plant with succulents

Succulents are plants from across the globe. Also, you have fleshy branches, trunks or roots. Examples are agave, echeveria, sedum, and sempervivum. Cacti are succulents, but not all cacti are succulent. Succulents – with their fascinating forms and beautiful textures and colors – are unforgettable and easy to grow. They excellently conserve water, making them perfect low-maintenance choices for your containers. Here are some ideas on what to plant with succulents!

What To Plant With Succulents

Succulents can be seen everywhere in many dry-climate regions: replacing thirsty lawns, street media, and residential façade and backyards. Whereas landscaping is only feasible and seems to be perfect with succulents and hardness, you will want to look at these plants, which emphasize the form and color of succulents and have similar maintenance requirements.


Originally from South Africa, these woody-based perennials are mounding or trailing, and grow several daisies in warmer or milder climates for a long period. Their flowers open in the sun and close in the darkness. While they are considered resistant to drought, good soil and steady watering make them look best. 

‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia

Artemisia’s ‘Powis Castle’ is admired for its silvery, silver-green foliage, and an impressive woody annual, planted near a light green, purplish or red succulent vine, or resistant to it a drought. Sometimes referred to as Wormwood or White Sage, in the spring Artemisia should be may. Do not cut into old wood below buds for proper growth.

The Blue Fescue 

This European native is best enjoyed in full sun and forms dense tufts of narrow blue-gray to narrow silver-white leaves. Fescue is considered a small ornamental grass, as well as an edge or a covered bottom. ‘Elijah Blue’ is one of the stronger types that have been able to live long.

Blue Mist Spirea 

This shrub is a prolific bloomer in the summer and fall and was introduced to the United States in the 1960s. Spirea, also known as Bluebeard, grows powder blue flowers that attract bees, butterflies, and other important insects. It needs water, but once it has been developed, it is drought tolerant.


Euphorbia has approximately 2,000 genera. E. Rigida is a Mediterranean native with fleshy gray and green leaves. Domed chartreuse flower clusters, eventually fading to pink, form in early spring. The E. Cotinifolia comes from tropical America and can be cultivated as a shrub or as a small tree. The most popular way is the ‘Atropurpurea’ with dark red leaves. Each euphorbia produces milky white sapphire, which irritates the skin and is poisonous when ingested.


Lavender is beautiful, growing among succulents in a greenhouse with brown, gray-green, and yellow-green leaves. These Mediterranean, Canary Islands and Madeira natives are known for their aromatic aroma and purple flowers.

What To Plant With Succulents: Herbs

If you love succulents or herbs, you know that combining the varieties you are planting is much better than just growing one herb or a single sugar. It’s more than half of fun to combine succulents with other plants that play with contrast and match colors, sizes, and textures!

Have you ever heard of planting together succulents and herbs? If not, you have to!

Many culinary herbs in the kitchen, once established, are highly drought-tolerant and like loads of light, and are growing well in containers without any fog or fertilizer. In other words, their cultural and health needs are very similar to those of most succulent people! When you mix herbs and succulents, your creative side can find a variety of new colors and textures. 

And herbs are very fragrant, and that savory aroma is a nice addition to a mixed pot of succulents. And the succulents keep your seeds fresh and lush, even though you are using the herbs.

Regardless of whether you are planting a mixed container or adding herbs or sugar to your garden, these two classes of plants are perfect companions.

The spicy rosemary leaves compliment the various types of succulent plants. And the soft, fluffy leaves are beautifully contrasted with the smooth sheets of some succulents while echoing others’ curiosity.

What To Plant With Succulents: Watering Tricks

what to plant with succulents

Although some herbs are as drought resistant as the hardest succulents, they are usually planted in the soil, with a little higher moisture as they acclimatize. When planting mixed succulents and herbs in your pot, intend to give your plants a little more water than your succulents require. There are a few things to do that will make it easy for you.

Fill the container’s lower half with a straight mix of cactus. 

Place the succulents and herbs on the ground and play with your plant arrangement until you know how to plant them. Then the succulents begin. Plant them using a straight succulent mixture, and firm the soil as though they were the container’s only plants. Level the mix of cactus.

Next, strip the blend of cactus from the herb sites. 

Make one plant at a time. Fill the herb plants with a mixture of 50/50 cactus and potting. Strengthen the ground around all the plants. Now, when the planting is done, water it well.

You now have a mixed succulent and herbal container that holds a little more water around the roots of your herbs than for the succulents! 

Every time you water your container about once a week, the herbs’ soil will keep more water for the herbal plants to use while the plants won’t be over-humidified and stay happy and healthy!

Maintaining Succulents

It is essential to know how to care for succulents, whether you have been a jade plant, or have picked up an echeveria in the market. Read on to learn how to maintain your plants healthy and happy.

1. Make sure your succulents get ample sun.

Succulents love light and need approximately six hours of sun each day, depending on the succulent form. Newly planted succulents can snorkel in direct sunlight so that the sun is completely exposed or shaded by a curtain.

2. Frequently rotate succulents.

Succulents love direct sunshine, but only one side may get enough light if you sit in the same exact spot day by day. Rotate the plant periodically. Succulents will lean toward the sun, so they can stand up straight by rotating them.

3. Water as per the season.

Like us, succulents need more energy in a period of growth. During summer and spring, the plants flourish and drink much more water than in autumn and winter. Check the soil with your finger — when the top is 1.25 inches dry, grab your irrigation tank. Overwatering may kill your succulent, so make sure that the soil is dry between irrigation.

4. Water directly to the soil.

When you water your succulents, soak in the soil until the drainage trout runs out. Don’t use a spray bottle to water your succulents — broken roots and fading leaves can cause. You may also place pots into a bowl of water and let the water soak through the drainage opening. Remove from the pot as soon as the surface of the soil is moist.

5. Keep clean.

Your indoor plants will eventually slowly recover dust on the surface, which may inhibit their growth. Replace the leaves and spines gently with a damp cloth (use a flexible pin to touch difficult spots).

Growing Succulents Indoors

Due to its special water retention abilities, succulents tend to thrive in warm and dry environments and have little neglect. This makes them well adapted to grow indoors and ideal for those who want low maintenance households. Follow these steps to adequately care for your new plants if you choose succulents for the first time.

Pick the best for your indoor conditions.

Although most succulents prefer direct sunlight, if you have only a shady corner in your house, go with light-tolerant plants. If you intend to grow your succulent food in a hanging planter, it is a good idea to trail a variety like a banana string. Always read the plant labels to determine the needs, dimensions, and spread of your succulents for sunlight.

Provide a well-drained medium for potting.

Nurseries plant their succulents always in soil that is too rich and holds too much humidity, so as soon as you bring it back home, you will want to repot your succulent. Begin with a coarse potting mix with good aeration and drainage. 

Special cactus and succulent blends are available in the kindergarten or even in an African violet blend. Add perlite or pumice to the cactus or African violet mix (up to 50 % of the total pudding mix depending on your particular moisture needs) to further enhance drainage and prevent compaction. Before using, always wet the mix to ensure that it is evenly moist.

Select your container.

Use a container with a drainage hole that is at least 1 to 2 inches larger than the nursery container when repotting. As a long-term solution, avoid glass containers since they do not allow roots to breathe and can cause root rot over time. Place the plant inside and back with a more pre-moistened potting mix on the bottom of the container, one third.

Place the succulent potted in a sunny spot.

Most people prefer at least 6 hours of sun a day and seek to position them near a window facing south or east. You can find your succulents spindling or stretching towards the light unless they get ample sun.

Final Words

Remember, evaluate your growing area to determine what will and will not survive in your area based on your climate before you start growing your succulents!

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